We are proud to be considered scientific leaders in the liquid crystal and photonics fields and industry leaders in providing LC-based light-reactive technologies. Below is a partial list of publications by AlphaMicron scientists.
Light-induced liquid crystallinity
T Kosa, L Sukhomlinova, L Su, B Taheri, TJ White, TJ Bunning
Nature (2012) 485 (7398), 347
Nature (2012) 485 (7398), 347
Widely tunable, photoinvertible cholesteric liquid crystals
TJ White, SA Cazzell, AS Freer, DK Yang, L Sukhomlinova, L Su, T Kosa, …
Advanced Materials (2011) 23 (11), 1389-1392
Advanced Materials (2011) 23 (11), 1389-1392
Tunable mirrorless lasing in cholesteric liquid crystalline elastomers
H Finkelmann, ST Kim, A Munoz, P Palffy‐Muhoray, B Taheri
Advanced Materials (2001) 13 (14), 1069-1072
Advanced Materials (2001) 13 (14), 1069-1072
Reverse mode switching of the random laser emission in dye doped liquid crystals under homogeneous and inhomogeneous electric fields
M Shasti, P Coutino, S Mukherjee, A Varanytsia, T Smith, AP Luchette, …
Photonics Research (2016) 4 (1), 7-12
Photonics Research (2016) 4 (1), 7-12
Electric-field-induced nematic-cholesteric transition and three-dimensional director structures in homeotropic cells
II Smalyukh, BI Senyuk, P Palffy-Muhoray, OD Lavrentovich, H Huang, …
Physical Review (2005) E 72 (6), 061707
Physical Review (2005) E 72 (6), 061707
Mirrorless Lasing in Liquid Crystalline Photonic Bandgap Materials
W Cao, A Muñoz, P Palffy-Muhoray, B Taheri
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive (2003) 776
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive (2003) 776
Ultraviolet lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals
P Palffy-Muhoray, B Taheri
Optics Letters (2001) 26 (11), 804-806
Optics Letters (2001) 26 (11), 804-806
A method for the formation of polymer walls in liquid crystal/polymer mixtures
Y Kim, J Francl, B Taheri, JL West
Applied Physics Letters (1998) 72 (18), 2253-2255
Applied Physics Letters (1998) 72 (18), 2253-2255
Continuous wave mirrorless lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals with a pitch gradient across the cell gap
A Muñoz, ME McConney, T Kosa, P Luchette, L Sukhomlinova, TJ White, …
Optics Letters (2012) 37 (14), 2904-2906
Optics Letters (2012) 37 (14), 2904-2906
Lasing in a three-dimensional photonic crystal of the liquid crystal blue phase II
W Cao, A Munoz, P Palffy-Muhoray, B Taheri
Nature Materials (2002) 1 (2), 111
Nature Materials (2002) 1 (2), 111
Large-scale periodic pattern in homeotropic liquid crystals induced by electric field
T Kósa, P Coutino, A Munoz, B Taheri, I Jánossy
Liquid Crystals (2018), 1-6
Liquid Crystals (2018), 1-6
Distributed feedback lasing in cellulose films D Wenzlik, A Varanytsia, A Munoz, T Kosa, B Taheri, R Zentel, ... Optical Materials Express (2014) 4 (1), 162-171
D Wenzlik, A Varanytsia, A Munoz, T Kosa, B Taheri, R Zentel, …
Optical Materials Express (2014) 4 (1), 162-171
Optical Materials Express (2014) 4 (1), 162-171
Cholesteric liquid-crystal laser as an optic fiber-based temperature sensor
MF Moreira, ICS Carvalho, W Cao, C Bailey, B Taheri, P Palffy-Muhoray
Applied Physics Letters (2004) 85 (14), 2691-2693
Applied Physics Letters (2004) 85 (14), 2691-2693
Low threshold lasing in cholesteric liquid crystals
B Taheri, AF Munoz, P Palffy-Muhoray, R Twieg
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A …(2001)
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A …(2001)
Mechanism of unidirectional liquid-crystal alignment on polyimides with linearly polarized ultraviolet light exposure
M Nishikawa, B Taheri, JL West
Applied Physics Letters (1998) 72 (19), 2403-2405
Applied Physics Letters (1998) 72 (19), 2403-2405
Intensity scan and two photon absorption and nonlinear refraction of C60 in toluene
B Taheri, H Liu, B Jassemnejad, D Appling, RC Powell, JJ Song
Applied Physics Letters (1996) 68 (10), 1317-1319
Applied Physics Letters (1996) 68 (10), 1317-1319